The Tape-Ups  
  All love songs, that was one of the ideas for this band. As far as I can remember the name came from Pin-ups only with tape. I was in two other bands when I started this band with my 2 favorite people. Becca had a great quirky vocal style and we were just making it up as we went. I was playing all the guitar with Bruce on drums. With my meager guitar ability this was really pushing the envelope of tolerability. But we wrote some great songs. 'Dictionary of Love' and 'Invisible Man' are two of the best creations ever. We never made it out of the basement, but I still love this music.
—Brendan deVallance

Formed on 1980, ended in 1981.
Tape-Ups: Brendan deVallance, Becca Lange, Bruce Tribbensee

  Photographs and Artwork
   Dictionary of Love   All songs written by
  Brendan deVallance, Becca Lange,
  and Bruce Tribbensee
   Mrs. Stringers Class
   Invisible Man  
   Punk Come Home  
   I'm no Better  
   Room To Room  
   That's Called Love  
  Creative Commons License
This music free to share under a
Creative Commons Music Sharing License.
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